Time Calculation

Time Calculator is a site that provides a free tool that allows you to easily calculate elapsed time by simply entering the "start time" and "end time". Conversely, if you enter the "elapsed time", the "end time" can be automatically calculated.

How to use

  1. Enter the "start time" and "end time".
  2. "Elapsed time", "hour conversion", "minute conversion", and "second conversion" will be displayed.
  3. ※If you enter the "elapsed time", the "end time" will be calculated.

What is time calculation?

Add the elapsed time from the start time to find the end time, or subtract the start time from the end time to calculate the elapsed time.

Time calculation plays a very important role in everyday life and business situations. Proper time calculation is an essential element for efficient work and schedule management.

Specific examples of use

  • Actual working hours Hours actually worked (time spent performing tasks)
  • Break times Breaks given to workers (basically not included in working hours)
  • Overtime hours Hours worked that exceed the legal working hours (8 hours a day, 40 hours a week)
  • Late-night hours Work performed between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. the following morning (additional allowance required)
  • Standby hours Time spent at the workplace but waiting for instructions may also be included in working hours
  • Shift management Used to calculate worker shifts and manage working days and hours
  • Project progress management Used to calculate the time required for each task in a project and adjust the schedule
  • Commuting time Calculate the time it takes to arrive at the office (risk of being late)
  • Meeting time management Calculate the start and end times of meetings and use them to adjust the agenda
  • Event scheduling Calculate the time required for each session or activity of an event and create a program
  • Meal time Calculate the time it takes workers to eat meals and incorporate it into the work schedule
  • Production line time management Calculate the time it takes for each process in the manufacturing industry and use it to create a production plan
  • Fitness training time Calculate the length of training sessions and use it to adjust individual training programs
  • Task deadline management Calculate the time required for each task in a project and use it to set deadlines
  • Housework time allocation Calculate the time it takes for housework and childcare and use it to create an efficient schedule

How to calculate time

Basics of time calculation

Time is basically expressed in the format "HH:MM:SS".

  • HH: Hours (range 0-23)
  • MM: Minutes (range 0-59)
  • SS: Seconds (range 0-59)

Convert time to seconds

Total seconds = (hours x 3600) + (minutes x 60) + seconds

Calculate elapsed time

Elapsed time = total seconds at end time - total seconds at start time

Revert seconds to time format

Revert the elapsed time back to the "HH:MM:SS" format.

  • HH: Time total seconds / 3600
  • MM: Minutes (total seconds - time) / 60
  • SS: Seconds (total seconds - time - minute)


This tool is available for free.

※This program is created and confirm the operation in PHP8.1.22.
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