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Body Fat Calculator is a site that provides free tools that allow you to easily calculate your body fat percentage, fat mass, lean body mass, BMI, basal metabolic rate, and resting metabolic rate. Just enter your height, weight, age, and gender to calculate your body fat percentage, fat mass, lean body mass, BMI, basal metabolic rate, and resting metabolic rate.

body fat percentage
Body fat ratio to body weight
Fat amount
Amount of fat accumulated in the body
Lean Body Mass
Weight minus fat
Body mass index indicating degree of obesity
Basal metabolic rate
Revised Harris-Benedict
resting metabolic rate
Energy consumption at rest

How to use

  1. Enter your height, weight, age, and gender.
  2. Your "body fat percentage", "fat mass", "lean body mass", "BMI", "basal metabolic rate", and "resting metabolic rate" will be calculated automatically.

What is body fat percentage?

Body fat percentage refers to the percentage (%) of body fat in your body weight.

How to calculate body fat percentage

  • Body fat percentage (%) = body fat mass (kg) / weight (kg) x 100

Estimation formula for body fat percentage

  • Male: Body fat percentage = (3.02 + 0.461 x weight - 6.85 x 1 - 0.089 x height + 0.038 x age - 0.238) / weight x 100
  • Female: Body fat percentage = (3.02 + 0.461 x weight - 0.089 x height + 0.038 x age - 0.238) / weight x 100

Estimation formula for body fat percentage for Japanese people aged 18 and over

What is fat mass?

Fat mass refers to the amount of fat (kg) stored in the body.

How to calculate fat mass

  • Fat mass (kg) = weight (kg) x body fat percentage (%)

What is lean body mass?

Lean body mass is the weight (kg) of body weight minus fat mass.

How to calculate lean body mass

  • Lean body mass (kg) = body weight (kg) - fat mass (kg)


This tool is available for free.

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