Deviation Value Calculation

Standard deviation calculation is a site that provides a free tool that allows you to easily calculate and find your standard deviation by entering either the standard deviation, average score, or your score. You can also calculate the standard deviation if you know the standard deviation.
How to use
- Select what you want to find: "deviation value", "standard deviation", "average score", or "score".
- Enter the values needed for the calculation: "deviation value", "standard deviation", "average score", or "score". (To find the deviation value, you will need "standard deviation", "average score", and "score".)
- The desired values: "deviation value", "standard deviation", "average score", and "score" will be calculated automatically.
What is a deviation value?
A deviation value is a number that indicates how far you are from the average, with 50 as the standard. It is a number that indicates where you are in a group of people who have taken a test, etc., and is set so that "average score = deviation value 50". It is an indicator of how high (low) your score is from that standard, so it is used as a guide for university entrance exams and high school entrance exams.
It can be said to be an indicator that allows you to grasp your ability relatively. If you evaluate only by test scores, difficult and easy tests will be given the same evaluation, but by using the standard deviation, you can see the relative evaluation.
How to calculate the standard deviation
- Standard deviation = (individual score - average score) / standard deviation x 10 + 50
- Example: If you get 80 points on a test with an average score of 60 points (standard deviation 20)
Standard deviation = (80 - 60) / 20 x 10 + 50 = 60 - Example: If you get 80 points on a test with an average score of 70 points (standard deviation is 20)
Standard deviation = (80 - 70) / 20 x 10 + 50 = 55
How to calculate approximate standard deviation
If the standard deviation is publicly available from mock exams or actual tests, use that. If you don't know, calculate an approximate deviation value without entering the standard deviation.
- Deviation value = (individual score - average score) / 2 + 50
This calculation is done with the standard deviation set at 20. For a test with a maximum score of 100, the standard deviation is between 15 and 20.
What is standard deviation?
It is an index that shows how much data varies around the average value. Deviation indicates the difference from the average value, "how big (small) is it from the average value?" Standard deviation is the "standard deviation" = "the difference from the standard average value."
How to calculate standard deviation
- Standard deviation = sum of "(score - average score) squared" / square root of number of test takers
This tool is available for free.
※This program is created and confirm the operation in PHP8.1.22.
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