Age Calculation

Age Calculation (How many years old and how old is the age according to the Japanese reckoning system) is a free tool that allows you to easily calculate your current age (how many years old and how old is the age according to the Japanese reckoning system) by entering your date of birth. By entering your date of birth and the date of age calculation, you can also calculate your past (at that time) age and your future age (how many years old and how old is the age according to the Japanese reckoning system).

age of full age
Counting by taking the year of birth as 0 and adding 1 to the birthday
Counting year
Counting by counting the year of birth as 1 and adding 1 to January 1st
0years old
Number of days elapsed
Number of days since birth
Until the next full age
Until the next counting year
Number of years and months passed
Number of years and months since birth

How to use

  1. Enter your "Date of Birth".
  2. Your current age (full years old and age according to the Japanese reckoning system) will be displayed automatically.
  3. To calculate your past and future age (full years old and age according to the Japanese reckoning system), enter the "Age calculation date".
  4. Your past and future age (full years old and age according to the Japanese reckoning system) will be displayed automatically.

What is full age (how old is it)?

This refers to your actual age at the time you are asked about your age. It starts counting from the year you were born as 0 years old, and you add 1 year each time your birthday comes.

How to calculate full age (how many years old)

  • After birthday: full age = current year (years) - date of birth (years)
  • Before birthday: full age = current year (years) - date of birth (years) - 1

What is Kazoedoshi (Counting Age)?

It is a method of counting age where you start counting from the year you were born as 1 year old and add 1 year every New Year.

How to calculate your age in the Japanese calendar

  • Your age in the Japanese calendar = current year (years) - date of birth (years) + 1
  • After your birthday: Your age in the Japanese calendar = full age + 1
  • Before your birthday: Your age in the Japanese calendar = full age + 2


This tool is available for free.

※This program is created and confirm the operation in PHP8.1.22.
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