Psychopath Screening Tool

Psychopath Screening Tool is a self-check tool that allows you to self-diagnose "psychopathy" by simply answering a few simple questions. It is an original psychopath self-check tool.
How to Use
- Answer the questions.
- The following will be automatically calculated: "Overall Psychopathy Score," "Psychopathy Type," "Analysis of Overall Psychopathy Score," "Advice on Overall Psychopathy Score," "Cold Rationality Score," "Analysis of Cold Rationality Score," "Advice on Cold Rationality Score," "Impulsivity Score," "Analysis of Impulsivity Score," "Advice on Impulsivity Score," "Boldness Score," "Analysis of Boldness Score," "Advice on Boldness Score," "Lack of Empathy Score," "Analysis of Lack of Empathy Score," "Advice on Lack of Empathy Score," "Lack of Inhibition Score," "Analysis of Lack of Inhibition Score," "Advice on Lack of Inhibition Score."
What is a Psychopath?
A psychopath is a personality trait characterized by antisocial behavior, lack of emotion, absence of conscience, and cold rationality. Medically, it is studied as "antisocial personality disorder" or "psychopathy."
Characteristics of Psychopathy
- Lack of Emotion: Difficulty empathizing with others' pain or suffering, absence of guilt or remorse.
- Cold Rationality: Willingness to manipulate others for personal gain, making calm decisions without emotional influence.
- Impulsivity and Irresponsibility: Prioritizing immediate desires over planning, lack of guilt in breaking rules.
- Superficial Charm: Overconfidence, charisma, and persuasive communication skills.
Diagnostic Criteria for Psychopathy
The "PCL-R (Psychopathy Checklist)" developed by psychiatrist Robert Hare is a well-known tool for assessing psychopathy.
Item | Characteristic |
Superficial Charm | Skilled at conversation, attracts people easily. |
Grandiose Sense of Self-Worth | Believes they are special or unique. |
Pathological Lying | Lies easily to achieve goals. |
Manipulative Behavior | Skilled at deceiving or manipulating others. |
Lack of Remorse or Guilt | Does not feel guilty for wrongdoing. |
Shallow Affect | Lacks deep emotional responses. |
Callousness and Lack of Empathy | Unable to understand others' pain or suffering. |
Irresponsibility | Fails to fulfill work or personal commitments. |
Impulsivity | Acts without planning, driven by immediate desires. |
Difference Between Psychopathy and Sociopathy
Item | Psychopathy | Sociopathy |
Emotion | Almost none | Feels anger or jealousy |
Social Adaptation | Often successful in society | Struggles to adapt to society |
Impulsivity | Commits crimes with planning | Commits crimes impulsively |
Empathy | Completely lacking | May empathize with certain individuals |
Occupation | Elites, politicians, executives | Often criminals or troublemakers |
Psychopathy ≠ Criminal
While movies and dramas often portray psychopaths as murderers, not all psychopaths become criminals. The traits of psychopathy can be dangerous if misused, but they can also lead to success when properly utilized.
Examples of Successful Psychopaths
- Success in the business world (CEOs, lawyers, politicians)
- Suited for dangerous jobs (surgeons, soldiers, police officers)
- Strong in situations requiring冷静な判断力
- Psychopathy is a personality trait characterized by lack of emotion, cold rationality, and impulsivity.
- Not all psychopaths become criminals; many achieve success in society.
- The difference from sociopathy lies in "planning" and "social adaptation."
- When properly utilized, psychopathic traits can lead to leadership and success.
Explanation of the Logic Behind This Tool
This psychopathy diagnostic tool uses sliders to answer multiple questions and calculates a total score based on the responses. It also provides individual scores and diagnoses for specific categories (Cold Rationality, Impulsivity, Boldness, Lack of Empathy, Lack of Inhibition).
Diagnosis Process
- Questions are divided into five categories.
- Each question has a slider ranging from 1 to 5, allowing users to select the degree to which it applies to them.
- The slider values (1-5) are collected, and scores are summed for each category.
- Each category's score is normalized to a 0-100 scale.
- The total score (0-100) is calculated by summing all category scores.
Diagnosis Criteria
- Total score ≥ 80: "Extremely High Psychopathy Tendency"
- Total score 60-79: "High Psychopathy Tendency"
- Total score 40-59: "Balanced Type"
- Total score 20-39: "Low Psychopathy Tendency"
- Total score < 20: "Extremely Low Psychopathy Tendency"
Evaluation Points for Each Category
- Cold Rationality: Ability to make冷静で合理的な判断 without being influenced by others' emotions.
- Impulsivity: Tendency to act without planning, driven by immediate thoughts.
- Boldness: Fearless and resilient under pressure.
- Lack of Empathy: Inability to empathize with others' emotions.
- Lack of Inhibition: Inability to control one's impulses.
How to Use the Diagnosis Results
The results can be used to deepen self-understanding. If a high score is obtained in a specific category, it is recommended to be aware of that trait and work on improvement or utilization.
This tool is available for free.
※This program is created and confirm the operation in PHP8.1.22.
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